Toddler 2 Program
The Toddler 2 program continues to build on your child's development. Here they will continue to explore, interact, and build lifelong skills. Your child will continue to experience structured activities, free choice, and group and individual activities. The Toddler 2 program is the second part of the two-year toddler program. During the Toddler 2 program we will also concentrate on toilet training skills. Creative Kids Club provides diapers, wipes, nap time cots, books, toys, an AM and PM snack, and a daily lunch as part of the child's tuition.
By completion of the Toddler 2 program the children will learn the following skills
24 to 36 Months
- Emotional Development
- Identify and deal with feelings and emotions appropriate to developmental level
- Engage in experiences that lead to success, building a positive sense of self worth
- Express emotions both negative and positive
- Show independence and accomplishing tasks on their own
- Realize their own skills
- Show appropriate actions with feelings
- Social Development
- Learn to take turns, share and play cooperatively, most of the time
- Assisting with tasks of cleaning up, passing out things, and helping others
- Recognize emotions in others
- Understand "mine" and "yours"
- Physical Development
- Catch, throw, bounce, and kick a ball (left or right)
- Execute climbing on, over, and under objects
- Perform simple motor skills such as stand on one foot, walk evenly, run, jump in place, forward, and from short height
- Established hand preference (left or right)
- Touch, see and label various textures
- Assisting with dressing and undressing themselves
- Demonstrate eating properly with a spoon and cup
- Able to scribble with markers, crayons, chalk and pencils
- Cognitive Development
- Being in the process of or have completed toilet training
- Assist with preparation of daily routines
- Begin to make their own classification
- Reason from effect to cause
- Understand some directional words (up, down, behind, over and under)
- Understand concepts of some, more, gone, big, now, soon, before and after
- Use and focus on one attribute (red car)
- Begin to classify and label objects
- Use demonstrative naming of objects, point to and label objects, associating the object and word
- Think one action is like another action
- Speak in two and three word sentences (sometimes larger)
- Use recurrence in their speech
- Use plurals correctly and incorrectly (e.g. foots) and use past tense (e.g. he hitted the ball)
- Omit function words in their speech
- Use words differently at different times
- Reading Readiness
- Learn word order
- Select and listen to stories and "read" picture story books
- Enjoy picture books and story books child has selected