Toddler 1 Program
The Toddler 1 program is the next step in your child's development. Here they will begin to explore, interact, and build lifelong skills. Your child will begin to experience structured activities, free choice, and group and individual activities. The Toddler 1 program is the first part of the two-year toddler program. Creative Kids Club provides diapers, wipes, nap time cots, books, toys, an AM and PM snack, and a daily lunch as part of the child's tuition.
By completion of the Toddler 1 program the children will learn the following skills
12 to 18 Months
- Emotional Development
- Express feelings and emotions in behavior and language
- Recognize emotions in others
- Use play to express emotions and resolve conflicts
- Begin to understand and learn right from wrong
- Expand independence
- Social Development
- Begin to understand only their own viewpoint (egocentric)
- Develop a concept of self
- Enjoy playing games, but mostly engage in parallel play
- The child will occasionally share
- Use a variety of behaviors to gain attention
- Act differently towards different people
- Physical Development
- Begin to walk alone
- Child will be able to raise self to a standing position
- Execute climbing up and down the stairs and over objects with assistance
- Catch, throw, and roll a ball
- Use fine motor skills that enable child to use thumb against fingers to grasp objects and be able to reach objects accurately
- Begin to show hand preference
- Execute carrying and exchanging objects from hand to hand
- Use fine motor skills that enable the child to scribble marks on paper with a crayon
- Perform simple motor skills for feeding themselves using 'sippy cup', spoon and fingers
- Cognitive Development
- Demonstrate pointing to objects with finger
- Visually scan an area for interesting stimuli
- Express food likes and dislikes
- Investigate basic cause and effect reasoning
- Experiment by using trial and error to solve problems
- Explore various ways things happen in their environment
- Copy the behaviors on others around them
- Observe an object being moved or taken away
- Reading Readiness
- Indentify familiar pictures
- Respond to word and gesture conversation
- Understand and respond to many questions/commands that child is unable to say yet
- Use word approximations for some words
- Use words in immediate context
- Imitate sounds of other people and objects
- Babble sentences and words
- Repeat and practice words
Gross Motor
Fine Motor
18 to 24 Months
- Emotional Development
- View the internal feelings and external behavior as the same
- Show one or more emotions at the same time
- Identify and deal with feelings and emotions appropriate to developmental level
- Becoming secure in daily routines
- Changing feelings about themselves
- Fantasies are increasing in child's mind
- Social Development
- Identifying materials as belonging to oneself
- Using pronouns (I, mine, me, and you)
- Expanding social relationships
- Beginning to be aware of other's feelings
- Imitating the tasks of others
- Child will share and engage in parallel play
- Assisting with tasks of cleaning up
- Wanting to help
- Physical Development
- Perform simple gymnastics (walking forward, backward, and sideways)
- Perform simple motor skills (jumping with both feet, etc.)
- Catch, throw, roll, and kick a ball (throw objects at target)
- Demonstrate walking up and down the stairs (short series of steps)
- Push and pull objects while walking
- Demonstrate climbing on and over objects
- Developing finger muscles to grasp and release objects
- Perform simple motor skills with control in feeding with a 'sippy cup' and spoon
- Increasing wrist flexibility to shovel, scoop, and spoon
- Establishing hand preference (right or left)
- Make individual marks with a crayon, pencil, or marker
- Turn pages of a book
- Helping to dress and undress themselves (zipper, snap, and button)
- Cognitive Development
- Showing interest in or ready for toilet training
- Explore various ideas mentally to figure out solutions
- Observe an object disappear, mentally remember the object, and figure out where it went
- Imitating past events
- Using symbolic play to resolve conflicts
- Pointing to and labeling objects in environment
- Reading Readiness
- Using language to reflect own meaning and expect others to have the same meaning
- Expanding vocabulary